Extra boost OTC Medical brands
Radio- and TV-campaigns
In order to allow various brands to grow further, we have developed new campaigns for Grahams and Perskindol to reach the target group(s). With extra support through radio and television campaigns, we start 2019 very well.
A radiocampagne has been developed for the natural products of Grahams in which the products for the relief of eczema, psoriasis and rosacea are highlighted. The entire month of January the various radio spots for the products of Grahams can be heard on NPO Radio 1, NPO Radio 2, Q-Music and Skyradio.
Grahams is available at Etos, DA, DIO, bol.com, Wehkamp.nl, Gezond & Wel and Holland & Barrett.
A television campaign has been developed for the products of Perskindol which will be shown in the commercial breaks on NPO1, NPO2 and NPO3 in January. Perskindol has an extraordinary range of products for the care of muscles and joints, where the essence is in the concentrated ingredients from nature, the essential oils.
Perskindol is widely available in all drugstores, pharmacies, supermarkets and health shops